Nintendo's First amiibo Variant: Super Mario - Gold Edition by Kyle Johnstone


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After weeks of rumors and leaked images, today, Nintendo finally and officially announces Super Mario amiibo - Gold Edition!  This Midas touched Mario is exclusive to 3,000 Walmart stores with the normal $12.96 retail price tag. It makes me wonder how long Nintendo and Walmart have been organizing this, since they were left out of the Smash Bros. amiibo series exclusive club (Target - Rosalina, GameStop - Shulk, Toys R Us - Lucario, & Best Buy - Meta Knight). Soon after the announcement on Nintendo's What's New page, Walmart began it's preorder waves.  The first round selling out in just 15 minutes,  Walmart opened the preorders two hours later with the same result.  Collectors and Nintendo fans can only hope preorders will open again, otherwise will be waking up early March 20th for in store sales.  ebay already has these rarities up for sale, $55 all up to $300. 

Will Nintendo release the silver edition? We can still hope for a Club Nintendo Platinum reward!? What about a Rose Gold Peach? We can dream right? Lastly those who missed out on Mario today can still look forward to Smash Bros. Edition Charizard, Lucina, Ness, Pac-Man, Robin, & Wario preorders! Good luck amiibo Hunters!

Nintendo's official Press Release Here &

Shout out @AmiiboNews & @AmiiboInq

Exploding Kittens Fully Funded! by Kyle Johnstone

Exploding Kittens on Kickstarter was officially funded last night, surpassing their goal and finishing with an amazing 87,825% ( $8,782,571 pledged! ), making them #3 on Kickstarter's most funded page! Elan Lee and his friends did something a little different than most Kickstarter campaigns.  Not only was Exploding Kittens an original game, they decided to only open 4 reward tiers and mainly only focused on the first two.  Elan and his pals didn't fuss with t-shirts, key chains, and other gimmicky merchandise.  Don't get me wrong, fanboys love stuff like that ( including me), but they wanted to focus on getting the game polished and finished by the end of the campaign.  Less stuff to make resulting in getting Exploding Kittens delivered faster to the public.  Instead of doing traditional stretch goals, the EK team started achievements, this got people excited with social media hype and brought some fun and originality to internet-land. During the last 3 days of the campaign Matt Inman ( the game's illustrator ) took requests via Kickstarter's comment section, he illustrated amazingly crude images of fans, cats and other nonsense.  During the final days a Twitter drinking game was invented, they had pizza parties at animal shelters, and finished the final hour countdown with a Reddit AMA.  Elan Lee, Matt Inman, and Shane Small did something special here and I can't wait to get my hands on one of these decks, game night at my house! "I'll bring the beers ... I'll bring the beers."

 Exploding Kittens page / Exploding Kittens Kickstarter 

@gameofkittens  @elanlee  @Oatmeal @shanejohnsmall


Batman: The Animated Series 12" Vinyl by Mondo by Kyle Johnstone


The newest piece to my collection, Batman: The Animated Series!  The main titles and end credits on 12" die-cut vinyl by Mondo ( ).  Composed by Danny Elfman, Artwork and Design by Phantom City Creative with artist @justinericksonart . I chose the grey splatter variant, but this record was also pressed in all black.

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Sony Pictures & Marvel Studios Finally Team Up! by Kyle Johnstone

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Spider-Man will finally make his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)! Sony Picture's Amy Pascal and Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige have teamed up in Avengers fashion, both will be producing Spidey's 2017 project. This has been a long awaited fantasy for fans, including me, and a smart decision by Sony due to the current success of the MCU.   

Full Story Here