
Nintendo Switch Presentation by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of Nintendo

With the recent news and presentation of the Nintendo Switch, I thought I'd compile some of my favorite announcements so far. 

I have to admit, I'm most excited for Splatoon 2!

They've got to be developing a ported/upgraded Smash Bros. after seeing this right?!  Bring over Pokémon too while you're at it!

1 2 Switch and Arms both look interesting, I'm assuming 1 2 Switch will be a pack in.

I also have interest in Sonic Mania and Super Bomberman R, I'm a sucker for nostalgia focused games.  Here's one more link to the full Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017, if you missed it.  Make sure to check out Nintendo's YouTube Channel, there's lots more videos and trailers to see, there's good info in the Treehouse Live upload and the video on parental controls.


YouTube: Nintendo   @NintendoAmerica

Nintendo Switch by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

We finally got our first look at Nintendo's next console!  Referred to as or code named NX, Nintendo formally announces the Nintendo Switch Console.  

The general rumors look to be true, the Switch seams to be a hybrid console or a mobile console.  The 3 minute teaser embraces multiple play styles wherever you want.  First focusing on traditional big screen home console play, pausing the game and playing there after anywhere you want on the mobile screen.  They showed multiplayer between multiple Switch units or mobile screen sharing with left and right "Joy-Con" controllers.  Nintendo looks to be carrying on the legacy of cartridges or "GameCards".  The GameCards look very similar in size to a 3DS or DS card, so it's probably save to assume it's backwards compatible with at least 3DS games.  Lastly Nintendo showed off it's 3rd party support, the Switch Dock, the Joy-Con Grip, the Switch Pro Controller, and a convenient little kickstand for table top non tv play.

I can't wait for more news on it, no price yet, but Nintendo is still aiming for a March 2017 release!  For Switch images and other Nintendo new, click here.

YouTube: Nintendo   @NintendoAmerica   #NintendoSwitch   Instagram: @nintendo   Instagram: #nintendoswitch

Pokémon GO on Apple Watch by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

With the Pokémon GO Plus getting an official release date of September 16th via .  John Hanke of Niantic announced that Pokémon GO is coming to Apple Watch at Apple's Special Event.  The watch app seems to offer a workout function that let's you encounter wild Pokémon, swipe PokéStops for items, hatch eggs and more!  John announced that the watch functionality will be available before the end of 2016.

Watch the whole Apple keynote presentation on demand here, with the Pokémon GO news at 28:35 if you want to fast forward. 

@PokemonGoApp   @NianticLabs   @Pokemon   @NintendoAmerica   @Apple   @AppStore   @johnhanke   @nomtats   #PokemonGO   #PokemonGOPlus   #AppleWatch

Shigeru Miyamoto & Bill Trinen at Apple's Special Event by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

Never in a million years did I think a side scrolling Super Mario game would make it mobile devices.  Today Shigeru Miyamoto & Bill Trinen happily announced Super Mario Run exclusively for Apple iOS at Apple's Special Event.  All we know at this point is that the game will release in December with pricing details to come later.  Sign up here to receive notifications regarding the release and other details! 

Nintendo Wire released a clip version of the keynote below.

Tokyo 2020 by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

The Rio 2016 Summer Olympics have come to an end, but is the begging for Tokyo's 2020 hosting duties.  They started off with a bang as the showed off their promo video featuring prime minister Shinzo Abe disgusted as Nintendo's beloved mascot Super Mario.  Other cameos included Doraemon, Hello Kitty and Pac-Man.  The video seams to embrace their beautiful city of Tokyo, technology and their icon characters stated above.  The video at the moment only seems to be available on NBC's olympic page, so check it out here:

Passing the torch: Tokyo prepares for 2020 Olympics

Another cool story I found is featured on engadget's page, Japan wants to forge 2020's Olympics medals from recycled smartphones, read the article here:

Japan may forge Olympic medals from recycled smartphones


@NBCOlympics   @Tokyo2020   #Tokyo2020   @NintendoAmerica   #Doraemon   @hellokitty   @BandiNamcoUS   @engadget

NES Classic Edition by Kyle Johnstone

Image and Source Courtesy of

Nintendo announced today that this November they'll be releasing a mini version of their original NES Console!  The console is almost identical to it's original 1985 North American form, except for of course it's size, an HDMI port, and two updated controller ports.  The controller is the exact dimensions and button layout of it's first predecessor, better yet, the controller plugs into a Wii Remote for Virtual Console games (works with Wii and Wii U)!  The initial purchase comes with one controller, but if you want to play with a friend, Nintendo is selling a stand alone for $9.99.  The main question is, how much is the initial purchase and what does it come with?  Nintendo set the retail price at $59.99, and the bundle comes with the NES Classic Edition, one NES Controller, a HDMI cable, an AC adapter, and 30 pre-installed games! 

Here's the list of games:  Balloon Fight, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Castlevania, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., DOUBLE DRAGON II: THE REVENGE, Dr. Mario, Excitebike, FINAL FANTASY, Galaga, GHOSTS'N GOBLINS, GRADIUS, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Kirby's Adventure, Mario Bros., MEGA MAN 2, Metroid, NINJA GAIDEN, PAC-MAN, Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream, StarTropics, SUPER C, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, TECMO BOWL, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

@NintendoAmerica   Instagram: @nintendo