Image Courtesy of Nintendo
With the recent news and presentation of the Nintendo Switch, I thought I'd compile some of my favorite announcements so far.
I have to admit, I'm most excited for Splatoon 2!
They've got to be developing a ported/upgraded Smash Bros. after seeing this right?! Bring over Pokémon too while you're at it!
1 2 Switch and Arms both look interesting, I'm assuming 1 2 Switch will be a pack in.
I also have interest in Sonic Mania and Super Bomberman R, I'm a sucker for nostalgia focused games. Here's one more link to the full Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017, if you missed it. Make sure to check out Nintendo's YouTube Channel, there's lots more videos and trailers to see, there's good info in the Treehouse Live upload and the video on parental controls.
YouTube: Nintendo @NintendoAmerica