
Kickstarter: Bears vs Babies - A Card Game by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

The guys who brought you Exploding Kittens return with a new Kickstarter game named (not surprised) Bears vs Babies.  They're goal is $10,000 , but to no surprise with the success of Exploding Kittens, their Kickstarter has already made 1.6 million (as of now 10/27/16)!  Check out the video below and support!

Kung Fury Has Finally Arrived! by Kyle Johnstone

image courtesy of

Kung Fury is here! After months of patiently waiting, the successfully funded KickStarter project has made it to the States. The short film is just about 30 minutes, I was hoping for a feature length, but hopefully this will lead to one ( fingers crossed we'll get a theater version in the near future ).  Kung Fury is live in the US on YouTube starting today, as well as making it's television debut on the El Rey Network. Enjoy, the whole short film in HD is provided below!  YouTube  @kungfuryfilm  @Elreynetwork  Instagram  Laser Unicorns l facebook

Don't forget to check out David Hasselhoff's True Survivor Single for the film. The music video is even more amazing! Music Video Link Here

Exploding Kittens Fully Funded! by Kyle Johnstone

Exploding Kittens on Kickstarter was officially funded last night, surpassing their goal and finishing with an amazing 87,825% ( $8,782,571 pledged! ), making them #3 on Kickstarter's most funded page! Elan Lee and his friends did something a little different than most Kickstarter campaigns.  Not only was Exploding Kittens an original game, they decided to only open 4 reward tiers and mainly only focused on the first two.  Elan and his pals didn't fuss with t-shirts, key chains, and other gimmicky merchandise.  Don't get me wrong, fanboys love stuff like that ( including me), but they wanted to focus on getting the game polished and finished by the end of the campaign.  Less stuff to make resulting in getting Exploding Kittens delivered faster to the public.  Instead of doing traditional stretch goals, the EK team started achievements, this got people excited with social media hype and brought some fun and originality to internet-land. During the last 3 days of the campaign Matt Inman ( the game's illustrator ) took requests via Kickstarter's comment section, he illustrated amazingly crude images of fans, cats and other nonsense.  During the final days a Twitter drinking game was invented, they had pizza parties at animal shelters, and finished the final hour countdown with a Reddit AMA.  Elan Lee, Matt Inman, and Shane Small did something special here and I can't wait to get my hands on one of these decks, game night at my house! "I'll bring the beers ... I'll bring the beers."

 Exploding Kittens page / Exploding Kittens Kickstarter 

@gameofkittens  @elanlee  @Oatmeal @shanejohnsmall
