
makeitstranger.com by Kyle Johnstone

Image Customized and Sourced at makeitstranger.com

Stranger Things has gained a lot of attention recently, it had minimal advertising and a word of mouth type of following.  It's a very unique thing in this day in age, it pays homage to the era it's set in, the pre-internet/social media days.

I finished the series actually last night, and I was really pleased with how it ended, I won't give any spoilers!  It was perfect timing because the Still Untitled: Adam Savage Project podcast did a spoiler cast that was released on the 16th, I highly recommend listening to it if you haven't.  P.S. if you guys know of any other spoiler casts, comment below, I'm scrambling to find more.

So enough of me rambling, the point of this post is to talk about Nelson Cash's site called makeitstranger.com.  The site is simple, type in two lines of text and you're presented with a beautiful array of Stranger Things-esque type with "the Upside-Down" world and animated particles.  I have to say that one of my favorite parts (it may very well be my most favorite) of the show is the opening titles.  The simplicity, the music, the ways the graphics animate into each other with glowing grainy film look, it's beautiful work.  Props to the guys over at Imaginary Forces!  One more thing, check out Sarah Gless' blog post (designer at Nelson Cash), she's got a deep love for this typography too.   The post shows a cool nod to Stephen King's original book cover art.

UPDATE:  I found this really cool video by Vox later in the day after my original post, check it out below.

TMNT 'Don vs. Raph' by Jhonen Vasquez by Kyle Johnstone

I recently listened to Nickelodeon's Animation Podcast featuring Jhonen Vasquez and his life with animation.  As a side note, I made a blog post about the podcast itself back in May, scroll down and check it out if you haven't already!  Well I found out about this short film because they had a chat about during the interview.  I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would, so I thought I'd post it.  

This was released recently at this year's San Diego Comic Con, features the voices of Workaholic's cast Anders Holm, Adam Devine, and Blake Anderson, and again was brought to life by Jhonen Vasquez the creator of Invader Zim.  enjoy!

Nickelodeon Animation Podcast by Kyle Johnstone

Podcast Graphic Courtesy of nickanimationstudio.com 

From the Nickelodeon Animation Studios, just released about a week ago, I'm falling in love with their new podcast!  I've had a passion for comics and animation since I can remember, and I think this podcast really captures those same vibes.  Host Hector Navarro, sits down and chats with animation bigwigs to get an inside scoop on new and old beloved cartoons.  I'll provide the first two shows below!

Don Diablo's Newest Creation, Hexagon Radio by Kyle Johnstone

Photo Courtesy of dondiablo.com

If you're a lover of EDM, this is perfect outlet for new and current music! I just found out about this a week or two ago and I clicked subscribe before I even finished the first episode.  His little character & co-host Hexagon is a little cheezy, but it doesn't take away from the quality of material Don Diablo presents. My favorite part of the show is #DemoDay , where he present a new and up-and-comer DJ or producer.  The track listing are all provided by iTunesSoundCloud, and his own website, they're all streamable and of course the whole thing is totally free. 

iTunes Link  &  SoundCloud Link

@DonDiablo  YouTube  facebook  @officialdondiablo