Netflix by Kyle Johnstone

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Stranger Things has gained a lot of attention recently, it had minimal advertising and a word of mouth type of following.  It's a very unique thing in this day in age, it pays homage to the era it's set in, the pre-internet/social media days.

I finished the series actually last night, and I was really pleased with how it ended, I won't give any spoilers!  It was perfect timing because the Still Untitled: Adam Savage Project podcast did a spoiler cast that was released on the 16th, I highly recommend listening to it if you haven't.  P.S. if you guys know of any other spoiler casts, comment below, I'm scrambling to find more.

So enough of me rambling, the point of this post is to talk about Nelson Cash's site called  The site is simple, type in two lines of text and you're presented with a beautiful array of Stranger Things-esque type with "the Upside-Down" world and animated particles.  I have to say that one of my favorite parts (it may very well be my most favorite) of the show is the opening titles.  The simplicity, the music, the ways the graphics animate into each other with glowing grainy film look, it's beautiful work.  Props to the guys over at Imaginary Forces!  One more thing, check out Sarah Gless' blog post (designer at Nelson Cash), she's got a deep love for this typography too.   The post shows a cool nod to Stephen King's original book cover art.

UPDATE:  I found this really cool video by Vox later in the day after my original post, check it out below.

Marvel x Netflix by Kyle Johnstone

Image and Source Courtesy of Netflix YouTube Page

Some Marvel and Netflix news from the San Diego Comic-Con 2016!  First Luke Cage has a new teaser and release date, all episodes will be available on September 30th of this year.  Check the teaser below!

Next up is the Iron Fist!  No official release date yet, but I'm guessing spring of 2017.  Why spring you ask, wait until we get to the last teaser.  I'm really excited for Iron Fist though, if you're fan of Game of Thrones, Finn Jones jumps in as our lead.

Finally we have what I'm most excited about!  Marvel and Netflix have officially announced that they're starting an awesome new small screen team up, titled The Defenders.  Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist will need to join together to face a new threat in New York City.  This is such a cool TV crossover idea to me, very reminiscent of Marvel Cinematic Universe and how that started.  

The only info we got for a release date is "Streaming World Wide 2017".  I guessed that Iron Fist would release spring of 2017, but this could go two ways.  First maybe Iron Fist releases in the spring and then The Defenders releases in the fall?  Or, The Defenders releases sometime in 2017 with the introduction of Iron Fist, then we see the Iron Fist series later?  Marvel has done this for years in the comics, a first appearance, then the character gets their own comic series later.  What do you guys think?  I can't wait for all of this to come together, and check out our final teaser below! 

@Marvel   @netflix   #MarvelSDCC   #LukeCage   #IronFist   #TheDefenders   Instagram: @marvel   Instagram: @netflix   Instagram: #MarvelSDCC