Video Games

NES Classic Edition by Kyle Johnstone

Image and Source Courtesy of

Nintendo announced today that this November they'll be releasing a mini version of their original NES Console!  The console is almost identical to it's original 1985 North American form, except for of course it's size, an HDMI port, and two updated controller ports.  The controller is the exact dimensions and button layout of it's first predecessor, better yet, the controller plugs into a Wii Remote for Virtual Console games (works with Wii and Wii U)!  The initial purchase comes with one controller, but if you want to play with a friend, Nintendo is selling a stand alone for $9.99.  The main question is, how much is the initial purchase and what does it come with?  Nintendo set the retail price at $59.99, and the bundle comes with the NES Classic Edition, one NES Controller, a HDMI cable, an AC adapter, and 30 pre-installed games! 

Here's the list of games:  Balloon Fight, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Castlevania, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., DOUBLE DRAGON II: THE REVENGE, Dr. Mario, Excitebike, FINAL FANTASY, Galaga, GHOSTS'N GOBLINS, GRADIUS, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Kirby's Adventure, Mario Bros., MEGA MAN 2, Metroid, NINJA GAIDEN, PAC-MAN, Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream, StarTropics, SUPER C, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, TECMO BOWL, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

@NintendoAmerica   Instagram: @nintendo

kidrobot x SEGA by Kyle Johnstone

Image and Source Courtesy of

Coming this winter, SEGA and kidrobot are bringing us two lines of blind boxes and a Sonic the Hedgehog Medium Figure.  It's safe to assume they'll give us the standard Dunny and Munny sized figures in blind boxes and 1.5" keychain blind boxes.  Sonic the Hedgehog hold a very special place in my heart, I can't wait for this series!  Make sure to check in with their socials to stay up to date on a release!

@Kidrobot   @SEGA   @sonic_hedgehog   #SonicTheHedgehog   #Sonic25   Instagram: @kidrobot   Instagram: @sega   Instagram: #sonicthehedgehog

Pokémon Sun & Moon by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

Today we received a look into the new Pokémon series Sun and Moon!  The new region Alola appears to be Hawaiian themed.  Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio will be our 3 starter Pokémon (gallery below).  The new trailers and box art display our new main Legendary Pokémon, names have not been released, but we'll look forward to those.  Lastly, we received some in game footage and battle sequences, two characters that could potentially be the professor or professors, what our hero characters look like, and maybe a Mother and friend/rival character as well.  Pokémon Sun and Moon will be available on November 18, 2016 in North America!

I just want to add that I'm really excited to see that these games are moving away from the the top down view.  The characters look less Chibi and more proportionate.  In recent games we would see a combination of the Chibi look with proportionate battle scenes or cut scenes.  Going off this footage, the game looks proportionate throughout, similar to how Pokémon Colosseum looked in the GameCube days.  I can't wait to hear more news as we get closer to the release!

@Pokemon   @NintendoAmerica   #PokemonSunMoon   Instagram: @pokemon   Instagram: @nintendo   Instagram: #pokemonsunmoon   YouTube: Pokemon

Battlefield 1 by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

With E3 in the horizon, we get our first glimpses of what's to come!  Dice and EA are back at it again with today's released trailer of Battlefield 1.  This game is going to look beautiful if it's anything like Star Wars Battlefront.

@Battlefield   @EA_DICE   @EA   #Battlefield   Instagram: @battlefield   Instagram: @ea   Instagram: #battlefield   YouTube: Battlefield   Twitch: Battlefield

Vans x Nintendo by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of Vans x Nintendo

Vans and Nintendo are teaming up for a new clothing collection, details are slim, but I would assume to see some new shoe and shirt designs with our favorite Nintendo characters!  Click Here to join their email list as to when the clothing line will be available.

@VANS_66   @NintendoAmerica   #VansxNintendo   Instagram: @vans   Instagram: @nintendo   Instagram: #VansxNintendo

Nintendo NX News! by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of @NintendoAmerica (tweet)

Nintendo's info awaited mysterious NX console finally got some official news from the source!  March 2017 is our new window for the NX and the newest in development Zelda game.  Isn't it a little strange not to launch a new console before the holiday season?  What're your thoughts?

The new Legend of Zelda game will launch on both the Wii U and the NX, similar to the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes on Wii and GameCube back in 2006.  Nintendo also mentioned that E3 2016 will focus on this new Zelda game, unclear if the physical NX console will be unveiled at the event.

@NintendoAmerica   #NX   #Zelda   #E3   @E3