
Pokémon GO on Apple Watch by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of

With the Pokémon GO Plus getting an official release date of September 16th via .  John Hanke of Niantic announced that Pokémon GO is coming to Apple Watch at Apple's Special Event.  The watch app seems to offer a workout function that let's you encounter wild Pokémon, swipe PokéStops for items, hatch eggs and more!  John announced that the watch functionality will be available before the end of 2016.

Watch the whole Apple keynote presentation on demand here, with the Pokémon GO news at 28:35 if you want to fast forward. 

@PokemonGoApp   @NianticLabs   @Pokemon   @NintendoAmerica   @Apple   @AppStore   @johnhanke   @nomtats   #PokemonGO   #PokemonGOPlus   #AppleWatch

Blog Repost, Niantic, A First Look at Pokémon GO by Kyle Johnstone

Images Courtesy of

Niantic has officially posted on Twitter and their blog the first look at Pokémon GO.  Battles, Pokemon Eggs, Gyms, and more all confirmed, click the link for all the details!  Click here for the official post.

Last weekend the YouTube user Eric F posted "leaked" footage from CEO John Hanke's SXSW Gaming Panel presentation.  Niantic hasn't taken it down since it was posted, check it out while it's up!

@NianticLabs   #PokémonGO   facebook: Niantic