Video Games

Video Game Updates and news by Kyle Johnstone

3 news items have peaked my interests this month.  The DOOM Open Beta, The Division Free Update: Incursions, and the Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC.

First I want to start off with DOOM.  From April 15th through the 17th, Bethesda and id Software's DOOM Open Beta goes live!  "The Open Beta will feature two maps, two game modes, one playable demon, and seven weapons, along with never-before-seen armor sets, taunts and hack modules."  According to their US site, and whatever hack modules mean.  Get more info on the open beta and post launch DLC here.  The full version of DOOM is also available on May 13th, if anyone is wondering.

DOOM - Official Multiplayer Trailer  

Next up, back on the 12th, The Division got a beefy free update!  "The Division 1.1 Incursions Update".

New features include an incursion called Falcon Lost.  Your character must be level 30 and you need to complete the mission named General Assembly to gain access to the Falcon Lost Incursion.  New Gear Sets have also been added to the update, so get to hunting.  Finally, you can trade or give weapons to your friends or other players online.  Daily and weekly assignments have been added to combat, the Dark Zone, and Crafting.  Something I'm really excited for is Dark Zone Supply Drops!  This is non-contaminated sought after gear, and it's really to use as soon as you claim it.  They're suppose to make drops in the Dark Zone daily, it's a free for all, so get really for rogue agents or you yourself may need to go rogue!  Gear Score has now been added to your character, this is a value based on the levels of your gear.  Apparently based on your Gear Score, this will unlock high-end challenges.  Lastly, they've added a group spectator camera, Dark Zone adjustments, game play tweaks, crafting adjustments, user interface updates, and of course bug fixes.  See you in the Dark Zone!

If I missed anything or misinterpreted any info, check out the update trailer here

The last game I want to go over is Star Wars Battlefront.  Last week (even earlier if you're a season pass holder) EA and DICE released the DLC titled Outer Rim for the game.  This includes 4 new maps, including Jabba's Palace, a new game mode called Extraction, one new hero and villain, Nien Nunb and Greedo, The Hutt Contracts which unlock new weapons and Star Cards.  Get all the nitty-gritty details here.

A few days ago, EA and DICE also announced some details about the upcoming DLC releasing in June titled Bespin.  Cloud City will be a playable map along with a new hero and villain, Lando Calrissian and bounty hunter Dengar.  Make sure to boot up your game on May the 4th, EA and DICE claim to have some activities that day, details to come! 

Star Wars Battlefront - Outer Rim Gameplay Trailer


@bethesda   @DOOM   @Ubisoft   @TheDivisionGame   @EA   @EA_DICE   @EAStarWars   

Miitomo & My Nintendo are Now Live! by Kyle Johnstone

Images Courtesy of @AppStore &

These are both really great starting points for what's to come in the near future for Nintendo.  Miitomo is Nintendo's first mobile app and My Nintendo is an evolution of Nintendo's first rewards system, Club Nintendo.  I'm really loving the new My Nintendo logo!  They've split My Nintendo into a 3 point system, Miitomo Points, Platinum Points, and Gold Points.  They've got some really easy ways to grab some Platinum Points right off the bat, so start exploring the page.  There's no physical rewards yet, but I'm looking forward to what's to come, fingers crossing for cloud based game purchases to carry over onto the NX!

Download the Miitomo App Here:

Link Up My Nintendo Here:

@NintendoAmerica   #Miitomo


Blog Repost, Niantic, A First Look at Pokémon GO by Kyle Johnstone

Images Courtesy of

Niantic has officially posted on Twitter and their blog the first look at Pokémon GO.  Battles, Pokemon Eggs, Gyms, and more all confirmed, click the link for all the details!  Click here for the official post.

Last weekend the YouTube user Eric F posted "leaked" footage from CEO John Hanke's SXSW Gaming Panel presentation.  Niantic hasn't taken it down since it was posted, check it out while it's up!

@NianticLabs   #PokémonGO   facebook: Niantic

PlayStation VR Price and Launch Date Announced by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of 

This October for $399, you can pick up a PlayStation VR, announced today at the Game Developers Conference (GDC).  Sony claims that by the end of 2016, PlayStation VR will have over 50 available games.  Granted they won't all be AAA titles, I'm still excited to make this purchase.  What about you?  Is VR here to stay? I hope so!

Pokémon 20 Year Celebration! by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of 

Today The Pokémon Company has launched an official site to celebrate 20 years since the games first launched in Japan back in 1996!  Check it our here!  If you haven't boarded the Pokémon hype train yet, check out the video below to get you warmed up.

Announced Events So Far:

"Use #Pokemon20 to share your favorite Pokémon moments on Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube! Our favorite #Pokemon20 submission may get something special, so keep an eye out!" -cited from

The original game was released on February 27th 1996 in Japan, the official twitter account announced that the 27th of this year will be dubbed Pokémon Day!  Maybe if we're lucky we'll get a surprise announcement of some kind?

If you've been trying to collect every single Pokémon legit (no cheat codes, GameShark, or modern day apps) since you were a kid, The Pokémon Company is here to help.  Every month from February to December 2016, GameStop and the Nintendo Network will distributing a new mythical Pokémon starting with Mew!  Check here for more info.

Tons of new merch, 20th Anniversary merch too! Here & Here

New Pokémon Trading Cards, "Generations" themed decks and individual cards.  Word on the street is that Japan is getting reprints of the original set! Check it out here.  I would love it if they reprinted the North American cards!

A re-release of the films Pokémon: The First Movie, Pokémon the Movie 2000, and Pokémon 3: The Movie on iTunes, Amazon Video, and Google Play.  I don't see it on the official site, but I'm seeing a Blu-Ray 3 pack of the movies as pre-orders on various sites.  

Lastly, what I'm most excited for ... the re-release of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow Version via Nintendo 3DS' Virtual Console!  Red and Blue will have the original graphics and music while Yellow Version will sport some enhanced color graphics.  Check here, here, and here for more info.  Nintendo of America is also releasing a special edition "new" 3DS bundle.  This will have Red and Blue Version pre-installed, 2 cover plates (similar original Game Boy box art of Charizard and Blastoise on cover plates), and a download code for an exclusive 3DS theme.  Japan and The UK (minus Green Version) are getting some fancy 2DS console bundles!  Check it out here.  I was really hoping Nintendo/The Pokémon Company would release Green Version State side, but I don't think it's going to happen.  I can't complain, this year is going to be amazing!

FEBRUARY 2016 UPDATE: Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon #PokemonSunMoon

Image Courtesy of 

Nintendo's Splatoon x Japan's King of Games by Kyle Johnstone

The Japanese clothing company King of Games, will be releasing a line of t-shirts and other accessories with direct styles from the game!

The line has a release date of June 13th in Japan, ¥4,259, which is about $35 here in the U.S.  There's no news on whether stores will sell them here, I'm hoping to see some imports!

Splatoon will be released on May 29, 2015 for the Wii U, I can't wait!   @NintendoAmerica   @KOG_Worldwide

Nintendo's First amiibo Variant: Super Mario - Gold Edition by Kyle Johnstone


Image's courtesy of &  

After weeks of rumors and leaked images, today, Nintendo finally and officially announces Super Mario amiibo - Gold Edition!  This Midas touched Mario is exclusive to 3,000 Walmart stores with the normal $12.96 retail price tag. It makes me wonder how long Nintendo and Walmart have been organizing this, since they were left out of the Smash Bros. amiibo series exclusive club (Target - Rosalina, GameStop - Shulk, Toys R Us - Lucario, & Best Buy - Meta Knight). Soon after the announcement on Nintendo's What's New page, Walmart began it's preorder waves.  The first round selling out in just 15 minutes,  Walmart opened the preorders two hours later with the same result.  Collectors and Nintendo fans can only hope preorders will open again, otherwise will be waking up early March 20th for in store sales.  ebay already has these rarities up for sale, $55 all up to $300. 

Will Nintendo release the silver edition? We can still hope for a Club Nintendo Platinum reward!? What about a Rose Gold Peach? We can dream right? Lastly those who missed out on Mario today can still look forward to Smash Bros. Edition Charizard, Lucina, Ness, Pac-Man, Robin, & Wario preorders! Good luck amiibo Hunters!

Nintendo's official Press Release Here &

Shout out @AmiiboNews & @AmiiboInq