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Lyft x Ghostbusters give you Ghost Mode via the mobile Lyft app! In promotion of the new Ghostbusters movie, Lyft will allow app users to request a replica Ecto-1 to give you a ride, for free! To top it all off, Lyft will also be providing Hi-C Ecto Cooler and Ghostbuster themed Twinkies! Lastly, the service will only be available in Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. on July 1st and 2nd from 10am - 6pm. I Can't wait!
The new Ghostbusters hits theaters July 15th! Check the original blog post here.
@Lyft @Ghostbusters @Ectocooler @SonyPictures #LyftGhostMode #EctoCooler Instagram: @lyft Instagram: @ghostbusters Instagram: #lyftghostmode