
Lexus Slide by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of lexus-int.com 

The Lexus automotive company released a teaser yesterday announcing Slide, a real hoverboard! It's 2015, that's the year Marty McFly takes one for a spin in Back to the Future II, so we should all them by now right!?  I initially thought this was just a gimmicky ad campaign to get a younger generation interested in Lexus.  But according to USA Today, Lexus claims to have a working prototype.  The working board apparently works similarly to the Hendo hoverboard, which uses electromagnetic repulsion on copper plated flooring.  Again, according to USA Today, the Lexus Slide works in a similar fashion.  The board uses magnets with liquid nitrogen cooled superconductors that hovers over concrete with similar embedded plates like the Hendo's copper plating.  So everything must be done in a controlled environment.  A new ad campaign is set to start filming in Barcelona Spain, I'm assuming that's where this "controlled environment" skate park will be.

Now this is most information that I could find about the board, but Lexus wants us to keep checking in on their social media outlets ( #lexushover ).  Their site says they'll have weekly updates, sounds exciting!  Lastly, check out Hendo's website too, I'll provide it below.

lexus-int.com    hendohover.com    Source: usatoday.com

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