
Indiegogo: Super Troopers 2 hits goal in 1 day! by Kyle Johnstone

Image Courtesy of INDIEGOGO 

With the news first breaking over at Collider (Interview here), the Broken Lizard crew launched their INDIEGOGO page the following day.  With the thumbs up from 20th Century Fox to distribute and a well made promo video, it's no surprise these guys hit their goal of 2 million in one day.  After years of teasing and rumors of a sequel, anxious fans have something to look forward to, and even participate depending on how much cash you have to offer on the INDIEGOGO page.  The film is anticipated to start shooting this summer with projected release of early 2016.

Derek Zoolander & Hansel Return 2016 by Kyle Johnstone

Photo Courtesy of Hollywood Reporter 

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson's alter egos complete Valentino's Paris Fashion Week show today, followed by a tweet by Paramount Pictures with an official date. Derek Zoolander and Hansel return to the big screen February 12th, 2016. 

@MaisonValentino   @ParamountPics

Derek & Hansel blaze down the Maison Valentino runway, ‪Zoolander 2‬ announced. In theaters February 12, 2016.

Sony Pictures & Marvel Studios Finally Team Up! by Kyle Johnstone

photo courtesy of

photo courtesy of

Spider-Man will finally make his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)! Sony Picture's Amy Pascal and Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige have teamed up in Avengers fashion, both will be producing Spidey's 2017 project. This has been a long awaited fantasy for fans, including me, and a smart decision by Sony due to the current success of the MCU.   

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